Holy Orders
Are You Hearing the Call?
“God calls. We respond. A vocation is a response to a specific call that Jesus Christ places on our hearts. It is our individual way of living discipleship in the Church. Our primary call, through the Sacrament of Baptism, is to be a follower (disciple) of Jesus Christ. It is to be a holy person. Within that first call to follow Christ, God calls us in specific ways to live a vocation to the married life, the single life, the consecrated religious life, or the ordained life.”
~Fr. Dan Schuster, former Vocations Director, Diocese of Green Bay
If you believe you are called to a life of serving God’s people within the parishes and diocese by being a visible sign of the presence of Christ, please feel free to speak with our pastor for direction. Or contact Rev. Mark Mleziva (920-272-8293), Vocations Director for the Diocese of Green Bay or Rev. Adam Bradley (920-272-8296.)
If you believe that your gift is following Christ’s call to serve the Church as a Deacon through service of the word, service of the liturgy, and service of charity, justice and pastoral outreach, please speak with our pastor for direction. Or contact Diaconate Office at for the Diocese of Green Bay at 920-272-8290 or 920-272-8316.
“God calls. We respond. A vocation is a response to a specific call that Jesus Christ places on our hearts. It is our individual way of living discipleship in the Church. Our primary call, through the Sacrament of Baptism, is to be a follower (disciple) of Jesus Christ. It is to be a holy person. Within that first call to follow Christ, God calls us in specific ways to live a vocation to the married life, the single life, the consecrated religious life, or the ordained life.”
~Fr. Dan Schuster, former Vocations Director, Diocese of Green Bay
If you believe you are called to a life of serving God’s people within the parishes and diocese by being a visible sign of the presence of Christ, please feel free to speak with our pastor for direction. Or contact Rev. Mark Mleziva (920-272-8293), Vocations Director for the Diocese of Green Bay or Rev. Adam Bradley (920-272-8296.)
If you believe that your gift is following Christ’s call to serve the Church as a Deacon through service of the word, service of the liturgy, and service of charity, justice and pastoral outreach, please speak with our pastor for direction. Or contact Diaconate Office at for the Diocese of Green Bay at 920-272-8290 or 920-272-8316.